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Web Adventure Final Statement


I had a lot of fun during this project. It was a nice break from other projects and gave me the ability to paint without feeling guilty for not doing schoolwork. I really liked how all of the separate pages came out as well as had a cohesive theme. When it comes to drawing and painting I tend to have an inconsistent style, so I'm glad that not only for this assignment I was able to experiment with digital painting but also keep the same style. Originally my story came from the desire to draw mushrooms growing from an arm (which I originally wanted to do during my animation but ended up changing the story) as well as a weird cave shrine.

I'm really happy with how the story came out, and the web adventure conveyed the general aura I wanted to achieve. I was inspired by older movies like Citizen Kane and Casablanca in terms of keeping the web adventure black and white. I think for the cryptic and uncomfortable vibe I was going for, a limited color palette was really effective.



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