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Exquisite Corpse Soundscape


Updated: Mar 3, 2021

Final Statement:

This project was kind of difficult for me to do. I've never worked with editing sound, so this project was a first for me. I think the most difficult thing about the project was listening to the same thing for what felt like eternity. It was hard to tell if what I was doing made sense and if the feeling I wanted to convey was shown. I think if I ever go into sound editing again, I would write out a plan for what I want the sound scape to feel like/ be like. This go around felt like a shot in the dark. I'm more of a visual person, so it was hard for me to plan out how an auditory project would go. However, I did like learning how to use Audition as I typically only use Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign. I wish I would've experimented more with other sounds that people provided to create more of an unsettling atmosphere.



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