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Soundscape Critique



I like the transitions in between the sounds, I think the fades are done very nicely. I don't really understand the story fully, so maybe that could be further developed. The main tone/theme I understood was someone walking around through different areas.


The beginning of the sound scape is super cool and reminds me of the beginning of a scifi movie. The mood is a bit hard to place as the beginning seems stressful and cryptic but the middle and ending seem a bit more calming with the typing and water noises. I think the mood was supposed to be stressful/cryptic.


The overall tone is so creepy, especially in the beginning, but in a well thought out and rhythmic manner. I think in the latter half, the sounds lose a bit of tension and starts to sound a bit more like music instead of an intense situation. The tone is a bit creepy and I get like an empty and almost sorrowful mood from it as well.


I think the overall concept is really interesting. I think that some of the sounds could be blended a bit more however. I think the overall tone is peaceful, especially with the nature sounds.


The switch from the baby noises to the music is so eerie and well done. I think some of the bell noises at the beginning and middle could've been edited a bit more to sound more eerie, maybe more distortion? The overall tone is very creepy and kind of reminds me of like an abandoned amusement park.


The sounds of home life and living with other people are spot on. I think there could maybe more pauses between some of the noises (i.e. the colored pencils and typing). The overall tone is very sweet and motherly.


I think the heavy breathing really set the tone to the whole thing. I think some of the sounds could've faded better with each other though. I think the tone is supposed to be creepy and unsettling.


The echoed voices and other sounds going on really create an anxious atmosphere. I think at the beginning, the nature sounds kinda conflict with the stressful nature of the rest of the sounds. Just like the title the soundscape is a stressful morning and it definitely feels like that.


I think the beginning sounds super eerie and interesting. I don't think that the beginning is super cohesive with the rest of the sound scape, like the shower going, eating, and the cat meowing. I think the overall theme is showing someone's average day.


I think the beginning with the blender and coffee noises is put together really well. However, I think some of the sounds end too abruptly. I think the mood is supposed to be centered around someone's daily life, but I have a hard time telling.


The beginning is super pleasant to listen to, especially with the guitar sounds. I think the tapping noise with the echo is a bit confusing whether its another set of foot prints or something else.


The beginning with the different voices is just so good. The bit of the song I think is a little out of place. The overall tone i got was humorous and weird.


The different tones are very understandable. The first bit is a bit out of place and kind of doesn't go along with the rest. The theme sounds like someone going thru different scenes.


The entire soundscape really conveys your theme. I think there should maybe be more pauses in-between some of the activities going on. The theme is the sounds of a café.


I think the overall soundscape is very understandable for what you're going for. I think that some more sounds could be over layed especially at the beginning with the water filling. The overall theme is a chef kitchen.


The mix of sounds at the beginning, especially with the guitar are really nice. I think some of the sounds, like the tapping could be a little more quite and have more fading in them. The overall theme is the color purple.


Theres a clear and distinct story with the way the sounds are edited together. I think the elevator portion is a little confusing compared to the water bit. Overall, the theme is sounds of water and the sea.


I think the overall theme is unique and clear. I think the bit with the baby laughter is a little out of place. The overall theme is the ambient noises of a shipyard.


I think the bell part at the beginning is nicely edited. Theres a little silent part after the soda can opening that I think could be shorter. The overall theme is someone whose on a trip.

Sarah O.:

I think the blending of the sounds of really nice. I don't really see a underlying theme or story. To me the overall mood is someone hearing background noises but blocking them out.


I really like your concept and think its really unique. I think the dripping sound could be played with more. The overall mood is very creepy and unsettling.

Alan: The distortions sound really cool and scifi-esque at the beginning. I think some of the sounds in the naturey part could fade a bit more. Overall, I kinda got an unsettling feeling from the soundscape.



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